Legitimacy to Demand Reparation for Damage Caused by Crimes Against Public Administration in the Colombian Legal System





Crime against public administration , acts of corruption , collective legal good , legitimation , reparation , damage


Corruption is a phenomenon that seriously affects individuals and society in general, as it distorts the market, undermines the legitimacy of institutions, and negatively impacts human rights and societal development, among other adverse effects.

However, although its impact on the community is a certain fact, the extent of the damage suffered by it is not always clear, nor is the determination of who is entitled to demand its reparation before the competent administrative and/or judicial authorities.

Regarding the reparation of damages caused by acts of corruption, the Colombian legal system seems to exhibit a "monopolization" by the State and its institutions, which either overlooks or relegates the participation of individuals. However, in the field of criminal law, this appearance is contradicted by the recognition that the legislature has given to the victims of crime.

In this context, this article aims to contribute to the determination of who is entitled in the Colombian legal system to demand reparation for damages caused by acts of corruption associated with the commission of crimes against public administration.

To this end, this article determines (i) the nature of the legal good protected in crimes against public administration, (ii) the scope of the right to reparation in relation to such crimes, and (iii) the subjects entitled to intervene in the criminal process based on elements (i) and (ii) within the framework of the Colombian legal system.


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Author Biographies

  • Margie Estephany Mojica, Universidad Santo Tomás

    Specialist Lawyer and Master in Criminal Law from the Santo Tomás University.

  • Juan Francisco Mendoza, Universidad Santo Tomás

    Professor at the Santo Tomás University. Lawyer and specialist in criminal law from the Santo Tomás University and doctoral student from the University of Buenos Aires.


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Articulos Estudios de control fiscal


How to Cite

Legitimacy to Demand Reparation for Damage Caused by Crimes Against Public Administration in the Colombian Legal System. (2024). Control Visible, 3, 68-83. https://doi.org/10.70254/controlvisible.2023.3.32