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Author Guidelines

Note: All articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished and should not be submitted simultaneously to other journals or editorial bodies.


Research Articles
Research articles present findings derived from the application of methods supported by verifiable information and data management, focusing on topics related to fiscal control, audit methodologies, public policies, regulatory frameworks, and all topics that contribute to the development of best practices in the oversight, care, and management of public resources. The length should not exceed 8,000 words, including references. Include an abstract of up to 200 words and four keywords.

Opinion Articles
Opinion articles provide a critical, analytical, and informed perspective on topics related to fiscal control. Authors can address topics such as participatory fiscal control, analysis of recent regulations, citizen participation in oversight, current challenges of fiscal control, ethics and responsibility in resource management, among others that contribute to the debate and advancement of knowledge. The maximum length is 5,000 words including references. Include an abstract of up to 200 words and four keywords.

Lessons Learned
Lessons learned contributions refer to the analysis of experiences and practices in the field of fiscal control, supported by updated information that allows extracting valuable lessons and enriching knowledge in the management of public policies related to fiscal control. This type of article should not exceed 5,000 words, including references. Include an abstract of up to 200 words and four keywords.

Reviews constitute analyses and debates around specialized literature, mainly books. We prefer to publish reviews of works that have not been previously reviewed. However, in cases where there are already reviews, we expect a reading with an innovative approach. The length should not exceed 3,000 words, including references. Include an abstract of up to 200 words and four keywords. Reviews will be subject to approval by an expert reader designated by the editorial committee.

Below are the guidelines authors should consider when submitting their contributions to this journal.


Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.

The title should be concise and informative, facilitating its location in search engines. Avoid abbreviations and formulas.

Include an abstract that describes the objective of the work, the methodology used, the main results, and conclusions. Avoid references, but if necessary, cite authors and year. Also, avoid uncommon abbreviations, but if necessary, define them on first mention in the abstract. Maximum length of 200 words.

After the abstract, include up to four (4) keywords that should not coincide with the title. Avoid general terms, plurals, and multiple concepts (avoid "and", "of"). Only abbreviations recognized in the field are accepted. These keywords are important for information retrieval systems and the findability of your article.

Author Information Note
Along with each author's name, register the latest academic degree, institutional affiliation, email, and ORCID.

Research articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including tables, figures, references, and appendices (if any).

Opinion articles, lessons learned, or reviews should not exceed 5,000 words, including references and appendices (if any).

The article should be organized logically and easy to understand. Start with the introduction to announce the publication's topic and the background of the addressed topics. Then, include the sections of methodology or calculation, results, discussion, and conclusion. To facilitate reading, you can use up to three levels of headings. These should be easily identifiable. We suggest using the title styles 1, 2, and 3 from the "Style" options in MsWord.

The introduction contains the main objective of the article, the research question, and outlines the theoretical and applied foundations. Avoid detailed literature reviews or summarizing results.

In the methodology section, detail the procedures so that the work can be replicated. Summarize already published methods and reference them. If citing a previously published method, quote and cite the source. Explain modifications or adaptations of existing methods. Define variables and specify how their measurement was conducted.

Present the results clearly and concisely. You can use graphical resources (tables, graphs, etc.) to facilitate the reader's understanding.

In the discussion section, compare the study results with documented findings in existing research, explain the study's limitations, and address challenges and obstacles faced during the research. Identifying and disclosing gaps can lead to future research.

The conclusions address the research question and present the main findings of the study, along with their practical and theoretical implications. Also, explain the significance or impact these conclusions have in the field of study.

Appendices (optional)
Enumerate all appendices that should link to the main publication, with their corresponding number, title, and description in the main text.


Use this type of note sparingly. Footnotes should be reserved for essential clarifying information. The journal will present these notes at the end of the main text (the standard for online publications) before the References section.


In-text citations should be done using the parenthetical system (Last name, year) of the APA (American Psychological Association) norms. All references cited in the body of the article should appear in the references list at the end, and vice versa.


Formulas generated from software and exported as images should be created at the highest possible quality. The editorial team will not correct or intervene in the formulas.


All tables, pie charts, bar graphs, or point graphs should be submitted in MsExcel format. If the graphic element includes text, use the Calibri font at 10 pts to match the typographic text. The table style should be black line. The color of pie and bar charts will be the default given when generating them in MsExcel. Images, maps, and infographics must have a resolution of at least 150 dpi, ideally 300 dpi, and should be delivered in png or jpg format. Screenshots that do not guarantee a minimum resolution of 150 dpi are not accepted. All these elements must be cited within the main text in consecutive order using Arabic numbers (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).


Manuscripts should be presented in MsWord. Since the evaluation is open, the file should contain the authors' names, respective ORCID, and current institutional affiliation (workplace).


The font used should be common and easily readable. In the editorial process, the font will be adjusted to match the journal's design. Do not use underlining in the text. Italics can be used to emphasize a word or expression, but not for sentences or phrases, and should be limited to maximize effectiveness.


Use bullet points for unordered lists. If the list indicates a specific sequence, use a numbered list. Lists should be used sparingly to maximize their impact.


  • The manuscript will undergo orthographic and grammatical correction.
  • Articles must have permission to use copyrighted material from other sources (including the internet).


Specify if the article is a product of research, a thesis, an essay, or a critical review. If it results from research, indicate the project title, executing and funding institution, project phase, start and end dates.


Authors must state that the submitted article is unpublished, meaning it has not been published nor is it under review or evaluation in another journal. Also, specify if a preliminary version of the article has been disclosed as a preprint or working paper. If so, inform the site and provide the corresponding link to verify the differences with the version submitted to our journal.


In the case of co-authored articles, succinctly declare how each author contributed to the article's development.


For transparency in the dissemination of research products, authors must declare if they used AI tools in preparing the article, which tool was used, and what part of the article was generated with AI. Also, if using AI, authors must carefully review their document before submitting it to the journal, as algorithms can generate incoherent or biased results, besides the risks of misrepresentation and plagiarism.


Authors must state their commitment to fundamental ethical values when using AI tools in preparing the document submitted for the journal's consideration.


Authors must declare whether they received any funding for the research or preparation of the article.


Authors must state if they have any conflicts of interest associated with the research development and article presentation.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • El archivo de envío está en formato Microsoft Word.
  • Los autores manifiestan que el artículo presentado es inédito, es decir, que no ha sido publicado ni está en proceso de revisión o evaluación en otra revista.

Articulos Estudios de control fiscal

Articles Fiscal control studies





Lessons learned

Lessons learned

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.