About the Journal

La Auditoría General de República from Colombia finances, edits and publishes the Control Visible Journal as communication medium focused on research aimed at strengthening the culture of self-control in the management of public resources, transparency, and the formulation of policies and organizational models for fiscal oversight and anti-corruption efforts. In this regard, it seeks to promote a critical and constructive dialogue with local populations to encourage citizen participation in the social control of public management.

Visible control Journal has a permanent open call (continuous publication)! Now you can send your articles on fiscal control and public management at any time of the year. We seek to disseminate knowledge, with the understanding that public resources are a tool that serves to make citizens' rights effective, and in this way, guarantee compliance with the purposes of the state. We want to publish problems, recommendations, treatments and innovative solutions to fiscal management problems, with territorial emphasis, in local, regional and national contexts. Submit your manuscript!

Control Visible journal was created by Ordinary Resolution 0969 of 2021.

The journal is indexed in the following databases:

Dialnet, Latindex, LatinRev, Academic Resources Index – ResearchBib, CiteFactor Academic Scientific Journals, EuroPub, ESJI Eurasian Scientific Journal Index.

Perfiles: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Wikidata, Wikipedia.

Cosechado por: Base, Dimensions, CrossRef, Repositorio Universidad Santo Tomás, OpenAlex.

Periodicity: Continuous

ISSN 2805-8275

DOI 10.70254


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