Review and proposal for the unification of macro-fiscal reports to strengthen territorial fiscal management




fiscal control reports, macro-fiscal reports, fiscal audit, territorial comptrollers, Colombia


Objective: To characterize the preparation of macro-fiscal reports on the Budget, the Treasury and the State of Public Finances submitted by territorial comptrollers’ offices in Colombia. Methodology: With a simple random sampling study, a sample size of 34 comptrollers’ offices was determined. The Tool to characterize macro-fiscal reports in light of the Territorial Audit Guide (GAT) was designed and applied. Results: Budget and Treasury reports predominate, and in the case of the comptrollers’ offices that prepare both types of reports, the Public Finance reports contain the Budget and Treasury reports. With respect to departmental comptrollers’ offices, few manage to consolidate information from municipalities and decentralized entities. Conclusions: unifying the two types of macro-fiscal reports in order to improve the quality and comparability of the information generated by the territorial comptrollers’ offices. This would provide a complete view of the fiscal situation of territorial entities, facilitating fiscal control and informed decision making.


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Author Biography

  • María Carolina Méndez Téllez, Auditoría General de la República

    Investigadora contratista de la Oficina de Estudios Especiales y Apoyo Técnico, Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de Control Fiscal. Auditoría General de la República (AGR).


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How to Cite

Review and proposal for the unification of macro-fiscal reports to strengthen territorial fiscal management. (2024). Control Visible, 4(4), 93-112.