State Contracting, Poverty, State Capture and Electoral Participation




State contracting , State capture , electoral participation , poverty , criminal economies


This paper analyzes the relationship of the Multidimensional Poverty Index, State Capture and electoral participation with the different modalities of public contracting. The first finding was that poverty has a negative correlation with the contracting modalities studied. The second finding was that the presence of armed actors, illicit economies, homicidal violence, electoral crimes and crimes against public administration increase the volume of territorial contracting. These variables were used to construct the State Capture Index. The third finding shows that electoral participation is ambiguously correlated with state contracting. Recommendations on the targeting of public spending in territories with illicit economies are presented.


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Author Biography

  • Manfred Grautoff, Asesor de Seguridad Nacional

    Economist, master's degree in applied economics, master's degree in defense and national security. national security consultant.


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Articulos Estudios de control fiscal


How to Cite

State Contracting, Poverty, State Capture and Electoral Participation. (2022). Control Visible, 1, 58-75.